Saturday, October 26, 2013


Evil lurks in the city.  I never stop looking over my shoulder.  I wouldn’t want to meet it face-to-face.  It congregates in places where you might least expect it; lurking in dark allies and hiding in drainage ditches.

The city is filled with buildings; some very tall and others short.  There are lots of houses.  In the past decade I have noticed homes torn down and townhouses built.  Apartment buildings are turned into condominiums.  Some affordable senior housing is popping up.  More people are being packed into the city.  More evil abounds.

There are shopping centers and strip malls, although they are both suffering because of the faltering economy.  There is asphalt – lots of asphalt.  I wonder who owns the companies that provide all that asphalt.  They must be the people who live in the big expensive houses.  Is evil there as well?

Children’s happy screams, poetic games and rhythmic songs can be heard from the parks that dot the city.  In contrast, poor and homeless people live in our parks.  Evil also lives in the parks. 

This is the place where I have lived almost my entire life.  It is home.  Some good, some not so good, but it is home.  I don’t remember this evil when I was growing up.  Was I just naive? 

I have always had cats, mainly because I don’t like mice.  My old wonderful cat Putter went missing.  Next my son’s cat Leo disappeared.  I must be careful and protect my little toy poodle, Barkley. 

Who is this creature prowling our neighborhoods who has infiltrated our city?  Some would say they are cute. Ha!  Cute is their disguise!  And, now it appears that one has taken up residence in my house....yes, she's a cute little raccoon.  Barkley, beware!  

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