Sunday, July 19, 2009


I open the door and there is a young woman standing there. I just met her less than an hour ago while sitting on the steps in front of my house talking to Angelina. I invite her in. She slips off her sandals and steps into my house.

She says, “Come out on your balcony”.

I follow her onto the balcony and she says, “See the guy in the red and white stripped shirt?”

“Yes, I see him.”

“Have you seen him before?”

“No, I haven’t”.

“That’s my brother. He wants to meet you. He’s shy and said I had to come here for him. I asked him why he wouldn’t do it, but he wouldn’t answer. He likes you.”

He is maybe twenty-five years old. I am almost at a loss for words, but I’m able to say, “Honey, I’m a little old for him”.

The ridiculousness of the conversation went on for ten minutes. Huh?


jay said...

sounds like a 25-year old st. lucian is in need of a beating!!!


Karen's Planet said...

Ah Jay, you are always looking after your mama.

Richard said...

As Kevin would say, "GET SOME"!
P.S. This story made me hungry =).

Karen's Planet said...

I don't even know what to do with that comment Rich!