Just for the record…Children are alright. I love my own children to death. My granddaughter is incredible. Children are our future. People tell me they are precious gifts from God. Sometimes other people’s children are alright…and sometimes not. Why is that? I think I can answer this question.
Teaching children who cut up cardboard and stick it in their ears or who take stickers off paper and punch holes in the paper and plaster it on their faces so that only their eyes are showing is strange. Teaching children who are hitting and punching other children and who are throwing objects from their desks across the room is weird. Watching children use chairs like a bullfighter uses his cape is well, annoying.
Teaching children when half of them are in the bathroom makes me wonder if there is a mysterious urinary problem in the school. And, while I’m wondering, can they all be this thirsty? Should I mention this to the principal? Oh, never mind – she’s the one who left me there alone because the teacher is absent and she said, “I have some ‘principal’ things to do”.
Generally, I think other people’s children aren’t much fun. Specifically, I was not given the gift to teach third graders. I thought you might enjoy looking at this picture of my little darlings.
this post makes me proud to call you my mom!!!!!!!!
love you,
Thanks Jay - I needed to hear that! Love you too.
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