Sunday, May 2, 2010


I was in a quandary. Should I name this post Mishmash or Hodgepodge? Then it came to me…who cares? So I named it with a word that is not in the dictionary. ‘Hodgepodging’ is a better description for this post.

I surfed my desktop and hard drive, my external hard drive, thumb drives and my camera digital storage disk to come up with a mishmash of things. Nothing has enough content to write about, yet I want to share it. My actions can only be described as hodgepodging.

So below you will find a few things that I found interesting during my hodgepodging excursion and wanted to share them with you.

I have a consistent tan line on my feet and my toenails grow longer than they did in California. More information than you wanted to know? Oh, come on. Read on. It gets better. And, I'm saving the best one for last.

These little frogs are less than the size of a quarter, yet make the most noise throughout the night. This one greeted me at my front door. If you look at the door jamb you can see how small they are.

Gecko's periodically take up residence in my house. I'm ok with it. The little one that didn't make it is food for the ants.

Here's a Hermit Crab. I don't have much to say about it other than I'm not sure how many I stepped on before realizing I was in their breeding ground. I'm so sorry little ones.

I love these pictures. The little boy lizard is trying to impress the little girl lizard by making that big white net looking thing. The little girl was very interested with him and her throat turned a bright red color, but I didn't snap the picture of it on time. You have to trust me on this one.

This is a picture of Rat Island off the coast in Castries. It's usually green but because of the drought it looks rather brown and dead. I don't want to find out why they call it Rat Island. Can rats swim that far? Can they live through droughts?

Dogs and cats are not spayed and neutered here so there are always lots of puppies and kitties.

Goats get tired too.

Trees are shaped by the wind.

So this one is my favorite. The pictures are compliments of Elaine. This is a rainbow sun - or a sun halo. This phenomena occurs when there is a refraction of sunlight through cloud suspended ice crystals. Isn't this amazing.

So there you have it. A mishmash...I mean hodgepodge of information that can be found while mismashing - no, I mean hodgepodging my way through my technical devices. Oh never mind. You know what I mean.


Sue said...

The sun halo should be one of the 7 wonders of the world. That is really cool.

Karen's Planet said...

Yes, it was really interesting to see and I'm so glad that Elaine captured it so I could share it.