Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What to take?

I'm determined. I'm not going to be one of those people who try to lug everything with them. Not me! Only my list keeps getting longer . . . and all the "what ifs" occupy my mind. Just as I identify things to leave behind I read a blog that says, "These things are a must bring" and half my leave-it-behind stuff is back on my "I can't live without it list". I recently read that business is very dressy. OK, by whose standards? As an older volunteer "very dressy" means a tailored suit - not pants, but a skirt and tailored jacket, button down blouse and close toed shoes. The statement "very dressy" leaves a lot for interpretation. Could this be what they are talking about? Well, just in case, I purchased another small bag so I can take more stuff, however, I still can't bring myself to bring a tailored suit.

So far the things I can't seem to live without include my Vonage box, water weights, camera, flip video, a two year supply of make up, several dresses, skirts, tops, a short sleeved jacket (I can't believe I will wear it, but it's somewhat formal). Then there is the extra pair of glasses, three months supply of medication, casual clothes, and shoes - a whole bunch of shoes. I need water shoes for walking when it rains, dressy sandals, regular sandals, my favorite clogs - should I bring my exercise shoes? Or can I just use the water shoes? Can anyone tell me why I'm stressing about this?

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